Anxious About Your Marathon?

Congratulations, you’ve entered a marathon and no matter where you are on the experience curve from first timer to Boston veteran you know in your heart this is going to be a tough journey.

An event built on a legend where in 490 BC the hero Pheidippides collapses and dies of exhaustion has to be respected.

Race organizers might call a 5k a Fun Run – no-one describes a marathon as: “Fun” – it’s called an endurance event for a reason – it is designed to be endured!

You need to prepare for:

·       Exhausting training sessions that you have to somehow squeeze into your already packed work-life schedule.

·       Balancing increased mileage with the risk of injury.

·       Overwhelming anxiety in the build up to the big day.

·       Stressing about hundred and one things that could go wrong.

·       Overcoming the dreaded ’Wall’

·       And to cap it all – if you get to the finish line - there is a high probability of suffering from post-race blues.

In short, at every stage of your journey you will encounter both physical and mental hurdles.

Take the ‘Have You Got The Rundamentals’ quiz to find out where you are today and receive mental training tips to ensure you crush your goals on race day!