10 mental strategies to make you a stronger runner

10 mental strategies to make you a stronger runner

Our guest expert for this episode is: Mary Jennings: an Irish running coach with a Masters Degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology. Mary founded ForgetTheGym in 2007 to encourage people to get outdoors, get moving and get motivated.

In her book ‘Get Running’; Mary outlines her belief that exercise should be fun, social, enjoyable and pain free. As a keen long-distance runner Mary herself has completed over 40 marathons and ultra-marathons up to 100k in distance.

Mary has kindly agreed to share an excerpt of an article she wrote that was first published in the Irish Times. As you will read below, Mary takes 10 mental strategies and explains how they can be applied to improve running performance: “Training our head as well as our legs”.

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Steve Cannon: My 1037 mile run around Lake Michigan

Steve Cannon: My 1037 mile run around Lake Michigan

Life, Love, Loss and a Historic Run! 40 Days is a brutally honest and inspiring story about Steve Cannon’s historic journey around Lake Michigan. Just imagine averaging a marathon a day for 40 straight days, it’s a story of dedication and determination, love and loss, and living in the moment. And most importantly, it confirms what can happen when you push yourself farther than you ever thought was possible.

Steve has kindly agreed to share a part of his inspiring book with followers of Rundamentalists …Enjoy.

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Interview: Forget 'win or lose', think 'win or learn'

Interview: Forget 'win or lose', think 'win or learn'

Jim Afremow, Ph.D.; eminent sports psychologist and author of the Amazon best seller: ‘ The Champion’s Mind: How Great Athletes Think, Train, and Thrive (Rodale, 2014)’ has agreed to share his insights and expertise with Rundamentalists readers. You might not possess the physical capabilities of an elite runner (yet!) but Jim explains the mental strategies the elites use to help you run your best and reach your goals.

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